COVID-19 has changed the way businesses work forever, and, for the foreseeable future at least, staff, contractors, volunteers and visitors need to be inducted remotely, but they also need to work remotely. 
The global pandemic has changed so many aspects of running a business and has affected everything from how we induct new staff to how employees and employers cope with working remotely. 
Here’s some guidance to help employers – and employees – cope with this ever-changing landscape. 
Induction Training Articles Induct For Work


Contactless Induction Training

Induct staff remotely to remove the risks of face-to-face inductions

A COVID-19 Induction Sample

Your IFW account already includes a customisable COVID-19 induction sample

Contactless Sign Ins

Allow your users to register their arrival at and departure from your worksites using their mobile device

Pre-employment COVID-19 Quiz

Allow your users to register their arrival at and departure from your worksites using their mobile device


LMS Page

LMS Login Page

LMS Login Page During the last 10 -15 years, the onboarding process has evolved significantly leveraging technology to create more

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OSHA, Electrical Hazards

Electrical Hazards

Across the diverse landscape of American and Canadian industries, from the heat of construction sites to the dynamic environment of

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Workplace hazard RF Radiation

RF Radiation

Incorporating the dangers of Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) into discussions about electrical hazards in American and Canadian workplaces brings a

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customer service


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